Home -> Active Ladders
ladder name: Champions League
city: Pune
description: Whatever
Ladder Players and Standings
Rank Player PointsAvg
Matches SetsGamesNTRP
WonLost% WonLost%WonLost%
1 Sushil Joshi 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 5.0+

* Ranking points are simply number of matches won.

** Average Opponent Strength is a weighted average of all of player's opponents' points in that ladder.
For example: assume that player X played 6 matches distributed like this:
3 matches against player A (let A have 4 ranking points)
2 matches against player B (let B have 2 points)
and 1 match against player C (let C have 1 point).
In that case Average Opponent Strength of player X = [ (3*4) + (2*2) + (1*1) ] / 6 = 15/6 = 2.50
The more matches a player plays against quality opponents, the better his/hers Average Opponent Strength.
This metrics is used as a tiebreaker between two players with the same number of points.
We are working on more ranking systems and those will be available soon (leapfrog etc).
Matches played